What steps does your organization need to take in order to reopen your business?
After what feels like years under stay-at-home orders and business restrictions, it seems there may be a light at the end of the tunnel for non-essential businesses. Governors across the US are making small steps toward reopening businesses that were designated as non-essential at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, but not without conditions. Both non-essential and essential businesses are required to create and initiate a COVID-19 Business Preparedness Plan to return to or maintain operational status. The infographic below outlines 7 basic requirements for your COVID-19 Business Preparedness Plan compiled from templates provided by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) as well as guidelines from other states and cities across the nation. For more state specific requirements please visit your state government website. For more information on proper execution visit cdc.gov or osha.gov.
Whether you are currently in the process of reopening or still waiting for restrictions on your industry to be lifted, you will need to have a COVID-19 business preparedness plan tailored to your specific workplace. Use this infographic as an outline for your plan and visit The Marek Group’s online COVID-19 storefront to aqcuire the necessary supplies you need to provide for your employees in order to establish a safe and clean work environment post-COVID-19.

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The cookie cutter revolutionized cookie making. Using a cookie cutter, bakers no longer had to toil for hours carving cookie shapes. Not only did it...

Let's embrace, not loathe, compliance.

(Don't worry - AI is here to help) “Ugh.”