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Employee Appreciation: Keep the Burnout at Bay

Written by Cameron Schulz | April 22, 2020 at 2:15 PM

A couple of years ago, people across the globe rushed to convert their homes into offices, daycare centers, and classrooms in a matter of days. Some may have been prepared—having worked remotely in the past—but nothing could prepare anyone for the magnitude and longevity of the situation that was unfolding.  

Fast forward (or crawl if you’re feeling like me) to today, and the workforce is in shambles. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and professionally people everywhere are fatigued, and they’re desperate to keep a full-blown burnout at bay. 

Employees are struggling (as I’m sure you are too), and the only way to emerge successful from this upheaval is to provide a positive and supportive work culture. With the rise in newly remote or hybrid work situations, engaging with your employees may require a little more effort than your usual methods. However, the benefits are well worth the cost with a potential to increase productivity by 17% and profitability by 21%. Those are numbers that every company can benefit from during difficult economic times.  

3 Easy Steps for Developing Well-Rounded Employee Appreciation 


Research indicates that one of the top reasons for lacking motivation at work is feeling unseen or undervalued, feelings much more likely to occur with a rising number of work from home and hybrid employees. According to Smarp, 69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt better appreciated. Communicating is the easiest thing you can do to demonstrate employee appreciation, and we are fortunate to live in a time when communicating from a distance is much easier than in the days of pigeon carriers and stagecoaches. Use one of the copious video chat tools at your disposal to chat with your employees “face-to-face” on a regular basis—determine their progress, acknowledge their hard work, and listen to their struggles. Giving them the opportunity to feel heard is the simplest way to fight feelings of isolation and establish a supportive working environment.  

Promote Self-Care 

As mentioned before, people are struggling professionally and personally. In the same study, it was found that lack of motivation leads to 62% worsening of mood, 48% worsening of mental health, and 30% worsening of diet quality. The correlation cannot be ignored. It is essential for your employees to preserve their well-being as a whole—if they can’t care for themselves, they can’t nurture your clients and drive sales. Encouraging your employees to take regular breaks while working, along with frequent physical exercise and human interaction outside of work, conveys employee appreciation as a sincere investment in their health and promotes a positive lifestyle personally and professionally.  

Recognize and Reward 

According to Gartner Group VP Brian Kropp, “During periods of disruption, employees’ desire for being recognized for their contribution increases by about 30%.” Employee appreciation from a superior is a feel-good moment that encourages a positive outlook and future high-quality outcomes, but during an extended period of unrest your employees need a little more than an emailed “thank you” to feel the gravity and veracity of your appreciation. Rewarding extraordinary efforts shows that you believe in your employees’ value—fighting off feelings of insignificance. Furthermore, providing reward options that aid your employees in the various areas is a well-rounded approach to engagement. You may scoff at the suggestion of spending money in a time like this, but if you don’t invest in your employees, it will be difficult for them to ask others to invest in you. 

It’s widely known and accepted that businesses everywhere are doing their best to retain their clients and minimize their losses. Something businesses may not be considering is employee retention. Your employees are your most powerful asset; therefore, employee appreciation is an investment in your brand. Invest in them when they need it most, because truthfully, that's when you need them most. 

To learn how Triptych helps our clients run efficient employee rewards programs, click the button to visit our Rewards & Incentives Module page.