Marketing and Sales Support Blog | Triptych

Omnichannel Marketing: Why  Connected Channels Bare Better Experiences

Written by Cameron Schulz | February 23, 2021 at 7:47 PM

In our previous blog, What is Omnichannel Marketing? we shared how omnichannel is defined and what an omnichannel marketing strategy involves. Of the many complex parts that make up an omnichannel strategy, arguably the most important would be the integration of marketing channels. Integrating, or blending, channels together to create a smooth and effortless transition from one to another is essential to delivering an experience rather than a disjointed journey like those produced by a multichannel approach. The question is, why. Why is a there a sudden push (for B2B at least) to establish connections between the multiple channels that you engage for your marketing communications?

Why do integrated channels deliver better experiences?

#1 – Your consumers

If they weren’t already, your consumer—whether B2B or B2C—should always be your number one priority. Therefore, they are also the number one reason that all of your marketing channels should be connected. Why? Because they’re expecting it! Recent research from Salesforce proves it with 73% of business buyers and 53% of consumers reporting that they expect connected experiences. Additionally, consumers desire ease and simplicity, especially in the wake of an exceptionally challenging and chaotic year. Removing unnecessary barriers between the channels isn’t just about delivering their basic expectation, it’s about going the extra mile to ensure that their experience is everything they want and more.

Furthermore, the same study found that 74% of business buyers and 65% of consumers expect all company representatives to have the same information about them, which leads us to the second reason for integrating channels.

#2 – Data

It’s common knowledge that buyers interact with several different representatives—digitally or personally—throughout their buying journey and, if converted, their customer cycle. Early on, they may inquire about a product/service through a website chatbot that returns to a marketing representative. As they become more serious in their consideration, they may engage in a discussion with a sales rep. If they become a client, they may seek assistance from a customer service rep. Each of these interactions—across three separate departments—renders data and insight that can contribute to an individual customer profile, overarching buyer personas, customized content, personalized interactions, and upsell/Cross-sell opportunities.

When compiled and combined, the data and insights collected can produce positive impacts for operations across the entire organization. If, however, departments and technological tools are siloed, the use and impact of the data and insight is restricted to the department that they are collected within. Creating solid, frictionless connections between those channels will subsequently break down siloes and re-establish communication between departments. Ultimately, data and insights will be shared effortlessly, and consumer expectations will be met more swiftly.

Omnichannel Marketing & The Emphasis on Integrated Channels – It’s All About the Consumer

Whether it’s the consumers expectation and desire or marketing and sales primal desire to know all there is to know about consumers, there’s only one explanation for the emphasis on integrating channels—consumers. After all, isn’t that what sales and marketing is all about—the consumer? Omnichannel Marketing and the strategy’s emphasis on seamlessly connecting channels strips away any diversions and refocuses everyone’s efforts on the one thing that will make or break your business, your consumers.