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Your Through-Channel Marketing Automation Implementation Checklist:

Your Through-Channel Marketing Automation Implementation Checklist:

Vetting a technology vendor for a new through-channel marketing automation platform? Implementation is a critical consideration, but it can be difficult to assess without knowing the necessary factors for a successful implementation. Asking the right questions will be key to determining not only whether the vendor can execute a competent implementation, but also whether their implementation execution is a competitive differentiator to consider when making your final decision.

The following checklist includes several qualities a TCMA implementation should possess as well as a few questions that can help you determine if a vendor checks each box.

TCMA Implementation Checklist:

#1. Transparency: Is the prospective partner upfront and honest with you about their implementation process? What about expected challenges and how they address them proactively? How about your role in the implementation process?

#2. Collaboration: Does their implementation process involve working with a team of your internal stakeholders? What about working with your reps and partners to learn how the platform will be a solution for them? Do they have a team focused specifically on your implementation? Do they treat this relationship as a transaction or a partnership?

#3. Adaptable: Is their implementation process easily adapted to accommodate your unique business priorities? Does it include measures for pivoting quickly if/when changes or additions are necessary? What about when unexpected challenges arise?

#4. Candor: Are they willing to challenge you and your point of view? Will they tell you when and why they disagree with you about an important matter? Are they prepared to have difficult conversations in order to reach essential conclusions and optimize your return on investment?

#5. Receptive: Does their plan involve steps that encourage feedback to improve their implementation process? How about steps for vetting and validating suggestions? And what about translating recommendations into tangible changes and continuous improvement to their process?

Personalize the TCMA Implementation Checklist to Address Your Needs

This checklist is just square one of what should be a comprehensive line of questioning regarding a vendor’s implementation process. Use it to prompt and brainstorm additional questions that are more specific to the particular platform and/or package you’re interested in, how you plan to use the platform, the qualities your business values in a business partner, etc.

Furthermore, you’ll have to determine what exactly the ‘right answer’ is for some of these questions because what’s right will be dependent on what your business wants and needs. However, fundamentally, no answer to any one of these questions should be cause for further discussion and investigation.

Click the button below to download your own copy of our TCMA checklist and acquire a couple additional questions that will be critical to a thorough evaluation of potential TCMA platform providers. 

Download Here


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